

Material Design 里的一个组件 Stepper,目前只有竖直样式的步骤视图,可以在 App 建立一个线性步骤流程,引导用户完成一项操作,可定制颜色、添加自定义 View(包括按钮也是自定义的),自带简单的动画



First, add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add the dependency to your app modules:

dependencies {
    compile 'moe.feng:MaterialStepperView:latest-version'

提供两种使用Stepper View的方法:

  • Place VerticalStepperItemView in LinearLayout by yourself

  • Or use VerticalStepperView with StepperAdapter (Better Animation)

Use ItemView directly

Placing VerticalStepperItemView in XML directly means that you can add custom views as like FrameLayout.

But you need to set attrs & states for each item views.

For example:

<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" ...>
    app:step_title="Step 1"
    app:step_summary="Summarized if needed"
    <!-- Your custom view (Step 1) -->
    <!-- Your custom view (Step 2) -->
  <!-- Place more if you need -->

Usually, when app navigates to next step, you need to set states for each changed item view.

To simplify operation, you can call VerticalStepperItemView.bindSteppers(itemViews) to bind them as a list.

Then use VerticalStepperItemView#nextStep() or VerticalStepperItemView#prevStep() to control stepper.

!! Notices !!

Margin (Read more in specs)

The margins among items WILL NOT be set automatically.


  • the top margin of first step item should be 24dp.

  • the vertical margin between two step item should be 8dp.

Layout Transition Animation

If you want a transition animation for switching steps, you can set android:animateLayoutChanges="true" in parent view (LinearLayout).

For example:

    <moe.feng.common.stepperview.VerticalStepperItemView .../>
    <moe.feng.common.stepperview.VerticalStepperItemView .../>

Use VerticalStepperView with Adapter

Using VerticalStepperView may be a easier way and you can see a better animation when switching steps.

First, place VerticalStepperView in your layout XML.


Then set a StepperAdapter for VerticalStepperView.


StepperView obtains steps and details (Title, summary (nullable), custom view) from Adapter. It will also notify Adapter when custom view is showed/hidden.

You can implement the simplest interface IStepperAdapter (Example Code) or use ViewBasedStepperAdapter.
