




Including DecoView in your project

第一步. 在build.gradle中添加仓库

repositories {
    // ...
    maven { url "" }

第一步. 添加依赖

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.bmarrdev:android-DecoView-charting:v0.9.2'





DecoView arcView = (DecoView)findViewById(;
// Create background track
arcView.addSeries(new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 218, 218, 218))
        .setRange(0, 100, 100)
//Create data series track
SeriesItem seriesItem1 = new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 64, 196, 0))
        .setRange(0, 100, 0)
int series1Index = arcView.addSeries(seriesItem1);


arcView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(DecoEvent.EventType.EVENT_SHOW, true)
arcView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(25).setIndex(series1Index).setDelay(4000).build());
arcView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(100).setIndex(series1Index).setDelay(8000).build());
arcView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(10).setIndex(series1Index).setDelay(12000).build());

Chart Shape and orientation


void DecoView.configureAngles(int totalAngle, int rotateAngle);
decoView.configureAngles(360, 0);


默认在使用满圆的时候,数据序列会从屏幕顶端开始。传入90给 rotateangle参数chart的初始点会顺时针改变90度,即圆圈最后边的位置。


Chart Gravity

By default the chart will maintain a square shape regardless of the dimensions of the DecoView in the layout.


You can define the gravity of the chart to stick to the left, center, right or fill horizontally and also the vertical gravity to the top, middle, bottom or fill.

Gravity can be defined in the layout XML:


Alternatively gravity can be defined within the Java source code:


Constructing a data series

One or more data series can be added to the DecoView. These are created using the SeriesItem.Builder(...) class.

The minimum required to construct a new series is done as follows:

decoView.addSeries(new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 218, 218, 218)).build());

The Builder class has allows you to configure all the options to customize the view to look and behave as you require. Below is a more detailed construction of a SeriesItem that overrides more of the defaults settings

SeriesItem seriesItem1 = new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 64, 196, 0))
        .setRange(0, seriesMax, 0)
        .addEdgeDetail(new EdgeDetail(EdgeDetail.EdgeType.EDGE_OUTER, Color.parseColor("#22000000"), 0.4f))
        .setSeriesLabel(new SeriesLabel.Builder("Percent %.0f%%").build())
        .setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator())
        .setInset(new PointF(32f, 32f))

Adding a listener to a data series

Once you have a SeriesItem created you can optionally add a SeriesItem.SeriesItemListener() that will allow you to use a callback to monitor the progress of an animation for the data series.

The most common reason to add a listener to a data series will be to display the current percentage or value of the data series.

String format = "%.0f%%";
seriesItem.addArcSeriesItemListener(new SeriesItem.SeriesItemListener() {
    public void onSeriesItemAnimationProgress(float percentComplete, float currentPosition) {
        if (format.contains("%%")) {
            float percentFilled = ((currentPosition - seriesItem.getMinValue()) / (seriesItem.getMaxValue() - seriesItem.getMinValue()));
            view.setText(String.format(format, percentFilled * 100f));
        } else {
            view.setText(String.format(format, currentPosition));
    public void onSeriesItemDisplayProgress(float percentComplete) {

Note that the progress callback includes a percentComplete parameter. This is the percent complete of the current animation being executed, you can calculate the percent filled using the current position.

Animating the data series

Each data series in the DecoView can be animated in a number of ways.

public enum EventType {
    EVENT_MOVE, /* Move the current position of the chart series */
    EVENT_SHOW, /* Show the chart series using reveal animation */
    EVENT_HIDE, /* Hide the chart series using an animation */
    EVENT_EFFECT /* Apply effect animation on the series */

The EventManager allows you to execute the above operations on the data series. These can be performed immediately, or triggered at a future time.

To move the current position of a data series create a new DecoEvent and pass it to the DecoView:

decoView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(50).setIndex(mSeriesIndex).build());

If you want to execute the event at a future time you can add the delay to the DecoEvent through the DecoEvent.Builder.setDelay(long ms) function.

View.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(50).setIndex(mSeriesIndex).setDelay(8000).build());

In the above example some important points to note are:

  • The argument '50' passed to the builder function is the position in relation to the range of data initialized with the SeriesItem.Builder().setRange(min, max, initial) function call

  • The Index that is passed was returned from the DecoView.addSeries(...) function call

  • All durations are specified in milliseconds

Adding a listener to an DecoEvent

Adding a listener to a DecoEvent is useful for getting a callback when an event starts and also when an event finishes.

decoView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(EventType.EVENT_HIDE, false)
        .setListener(new DecoEvent.ExecuteEventListener() {
            public void onEventStart(DecoEvent event) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Hide of DecoView Starting");
            public void onEventEnd(DecoEvent event) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Hide of DecoView Complete");

Configuring animation

Animating the movement when moving the current position of a data series is done using the built in Android Interpolator class.

This allows you to set a range of different movements and even use your own algorithm to control the rate of change.

It is possible to set the Interpolator class used at two points. The first opportunity is you can set the Interpolator when you add the data series.

decoView.addSeries(new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 218, 218, 218))
        .setRange(0, seriesMax, 0)
        .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator())

If no Interpolator is set when creating the data series all animations will use the default AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator().

It is also possible to override the Interpolator for each event that is applied to a data series.

decoView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(10)
        .setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator())

Configuring the animation duration

Much like configuring the Interpolator, the total duration taken to complete an animation can be set when creating the data series, or overridden for each event.

decoView.addSeries(new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 218, 218, 218))
        .setRange(0, seriesMax, 0)

The SpinDuration is the duration that a complete revolution will take. That is moving from the start to the end of the series. Based on this duration when a DecoEvent moves the current position the duration is automatically calculated based on the amount of rotation required.

To illustrate this with an example, if you set the spin duration to 3 seconds (3000 ms) then move the current position to 50% of the total arc range, then the animation will take 1.5 seconds to complete.

It is also possible to override the duration for each event that is applied to the data series.

decoView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(10)

Adding labels to a data series

Labels can be added to one or more data series. The labels will only be shown when the data series is visible.


Create a SeriesLabel using the SeriesLabel.Builder(String) function. Optionally set the color of the text and background as well as the font typeface.

SeriesItem seriesItem = new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 64, 196, 0))
        .setRange(0, seriesMax, 0)
        .setSeriesLabel(new SeriesLabel.Builder("Percent %.0f%%")
                .setColorBack(Color.argb(218, 0, 0, 0))
                .setColorText(Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255))

It is possible to use a custom font for the text used on the data labels. Load the font from your Android assets folder and use the SeriesLabel.Builder().setTypeface(...) to set the font.

Note: Labels are currently not supported on DecoViews which have a data series that move in an anti-clockwise direction.

Insetting arc radius

By default each arc in a series will be located at the center of the widest series of data. The result of this is that two arcs with the same line width will be drawn at the same radius from the center of the view.

It is possible to adjust the radius from the center each series by setting an inset when creating the data series. The image below demonstrates what is possible when changing the inset for each series.


To set an inset during series creation use SeriesItem.Builder#setInset(PointF)

SeriesItem seriesItem = new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.parseColor("#FF00FF00")
        .setRange(0, 100, 0)
        .setInset(new PointF(20f, 20f))

It is also possible to move a data series in an outward direction by using a negative inset. To do this you need to ensure that you don't move the data series outside the viewable area of the View.

Animating color change

Solid color change can be animated from one color to another. This can be done as a stand alone event or during a move event.

To animate color change during a move event

decoView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(10)

To animate color change as a stand alone event. Note that calling setDuration(...) is mandatory when creating a EVENT_COLOR_CHANGE event.

decoView.addEvent(new DecoEvent.Builder(EventType.EVENT_COLOR_CHANGE, Color.parseColor("#FF555555"))

Note: It is not possible to animate color change on series with a color gradient.

Adding an EdgeDetail to a data series

The EdgeDetail class allows you to apply an effect to the edge of a data series. The image below shows an EdgeDetail applied to each data series.


Construct an EdgeDetail object by passing which edge of the arc to apply the detail and the color and size of the edge detail. The size of the edge detail is specified as a float ranging from 0f to 1.0f where 1.0f will cover the complete arc.

Adding a Edge to a series is done using the SeriesItem.Builder.addEdgeDetail(EdgeDetail) function.

SeriesItem seriesItem = new SeriesItem.Builder(Color.argb(255, 64, 196, 0))
        .setRange(0, seriesMax, 0)
        .addEdgeDetail(new EdgeDetail(EdgeDetail.EdgeType.EDGE_OUTER, Color.parseColor("#22000000"), 0.4f))

Note that in the example above the color uses transparency to give the edge of the arc a darker tint of the existing arc color.

NOTE: On Android 4.0 to 4.3 Adding an EdgeDetail to a data series will result in Hardware acceleration being turned off for that DecoView. This is due to these platforms not supporting the clipPath() functions with hardware acceleration. It would be unusual for this cause any noticeable difference to the performance of the View.
